Differences between revisions 20 and 25 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 20 as of 2011-02-26 22:45:48
Size: 1794
Revision 25 as of 2011-02-26 22:56:02
Size: 2000
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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$ \large D ~ = ~ {\sqrt{2({A^2}{B^2}+{A^2}{C^2}+{B^2}{C^2})-({A^4}+{B^4}+{C^4})}\over{2C}} $ $ \large D = {\sqrt{2({A^2}{B^2}+{A^2}{C^2}+{B^2}{C^2})-({A^4}+{B^4}+{C^4})}\over{2C}} $
Line 18: Line 18:
$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial A}} ~ = ~ { { A({B^2}+{C^2}-{A^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } $

$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial B}} ~ = ~ { { B({A^2}+{C^2}-{B^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } $

$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial C}} ~ = ~
{ ({{A^2}+{B^2})-({C^2}+2{D^2}) } \over { 2 C D } } $
$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial A}} = { { A({B^2}+{C^2}-{A^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } ~ ~ ~ ~ $
$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial B}} = { { B({A^2}+{C^2}-{B^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } ~ ~ ~ ~ $
$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial C}} = { ({{A^2}+{B^2})-({C^2}+2{D^2}) } \over { 2 C D } } $
Line 26: Line 24:
Our partials reduce to: Our equations reduce to:

$ \large D \approx \sqrt { A \epsilon } ~ ~ ~ ~ $
$ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial A}} \approx {{\partial D}\over{\partial B}} \approx {-{{\partial D}\over{\partial C}}} \approx { A \over { 2 D } } $


The main issue with stability is that perturbations exceeding a few millimeters from the ideal path ( as determined by ambient forces acting on the track ) cannot be corrected by track to rotor spacing alone. Given inaccurate force measurements, and track measurements, it is very easy for such perturbations to appear, indetectably.

Stability can be achieved by applying damping forces to the curvature, some constant \large { \partial \over { \partial t } } { { \partial^2 } \over { \partial L^2 } } ( L is the distance along the track ) added to the spacing forces. The big problem is measuring the curvature, which is exceedingly difficult to do for millimeter scale lateral displacements over track distances of tens of kilometers.

triangle distance

Suppose we are trying to estimate distance D from three precision measurements for A, B, C. We can compute D from this formula:

\large D = {\sqrt{2({A^2}{B^2}+{A^2}{C^2}+{B^2}{C^2})-({A^4}+{B^4}+{C^4})}\over{2C}}

The sensitivity of D to errors in A , B , and C is just the partials:

\large {{\partial D}\over{\partial A}} = { { A({B^2}+{C^2}-{A^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } ~ ~ ~ ~ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial B}} = { { B({A^2}+{C^2}-{B^2}) } \over { 2 {C^2} D } } ~ ~ ~ ~ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial C}} = { ({{A^2}+{B^2})-({C^2}+2{D^2}) } \over { 2 C D } }

If D is small, these partials are very large. Assume that A \approx B (but not the same!) and that C = 2A - \epsilon , and D << A . This is the case if we are measuring the center point on a wide, very shallow and approximately symmetrical triangle.

Our equations reduce to:

\large D \approx \sqrt { A \epsilon } ~ ~ ~ ~ \large {{\partial D}\over{\partial A}} \approx {{\partial D}\over{\partial B}} \approx {-{{\partial D}\over{\partial C}}} \approx { A \over { 2 D } }


Stability (last edited 2011-02-27 07:17:58 by KeithLofstrom)