Attachment 'incline2.c'
Download 1 // incline2.c
2 // incline for logarithmic altitude launch loop track
3 // with ramp and new track
5 #define CL 80000.0 // cable material support length
6 #define C0 20000.0 // z0 for cable
7 #define CS 0.7 // Sideways fraction for cable
9 #define OX -156323.926 // x data offset in meters
11 #define X0 -20000.0 // Before ramps
12 #define X1 200000.0 // End of track
13 #define WZ 50550.0 // West station east altitude
14 #define WA 5.48 // West station angle degrees
15 #define WR 14000.0 // West station curvature radius
16 #define TC 3.2E-7 // track curvature at west station
18 #define VR 14000.0 // rotor speed at top of loop
19 #define RE 6378000.0 // Earth Radius
20 #define AG 9.81 // ag0
21 #define A0 20.0 // incline start angle degrees
22 #define MF 3.000 // ms/mr
23 #define MR 3.000 // rotor mass per meter
24 #define DX 1 // computation delta x in meters
25 #define NP 1000 // number of computation points per print
26 #define HT 80000.0 // top of loop, meters
27 #define K 0.001 //
28 #define EPS 1E-4 //
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include <math.h>
33 int p ; // print counter
34 double ra ; // degrees to radians
35 double x ; // horizontal distance in meters
36 double z ; // height in meters
37 double zp ; // slope
38 double zpp ; // curvature in inverse meters
39 double vr ; // rotor speed
40 double vr2 ; // rotor speed squared
41 double vr0 ; // surface rotor speed
42 double l ; // length of incline
43 double dl2 ; // delta length squared
44 double g ; // cable angle ratio
45 double wz ; // west station magnet radius center z
46 double wx ; // west station magnet radius center x
47 double ag ; // gravity at altitude
48 double zw ; // west station west end altitude
49 double dx ; // increment for drawing west station
50 double xw ; // west station x length
51 double rx ; // ramp center
52 double rz ; //
53 double xr ; //
54 double zr ;
55 double a0 ;
56 double a1 ;
57 double an ;
58 double da ;
60 // -----------------------------------------
62 int prxz() {
63 double sprt = MR * ((vr*vr*(zpp+1.0/RE)/ag) - 1.0 ) ;
64 double xo = x + OX ;
65 printf( "%11.6f%11.6f%12.6f%10.6f%10.3f%11.3f%9.5f\n",
66 xo*K, z*K, l*K, zp, sprt, vr, ag );
67 return 0 ;
68 }
70 // -----------------------------------------
71 int main() {
73 // initialization -------------------------------------------------------
75 ra = atan(1.0)/45.0 ; // degrees to radians
76 vr0 = sqrt( VR*VR+2.0*AG*HT/( 1.0 + HT/RE ) ) ;
77 ag = AG ;
79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
80 // ramp
82 dx = 0.2*rx ;
84 a0 = ra*A0 ; // radians, second upturn and start of ramp
85 a1 = acos(0.5*(1.0+cos(a0))) ; // radians, downturn and first upturn
87 x = X0 ;
88 z = 0.0 ;
89 l = x - WR * ( (a0-sin(a0)) + 2.0*(a1-sin(a1)) ) ;
90 zp = 0.0 ;
91 zpp = 1.0/RE ;
92 vr = vr0 ;
94 prxz();
96 // ramp downturn
98 rx = -WR*(sin(a0)+2*sin(a1));
99 rz = -WR ;
101 da = 0.2*a1 ;
103 for( an=0.0 ; an < a1-EPS ; an += da ) {
104 x = rx+WR*sin(an);
105 z = rz+WR*cos(an);
106 l = WR*(a0+2.0*a1-an);
107 zp = -tan( an );
108 zpp = 1.0/(WR*cos(an)*cos(an)) ;
109 vr2 = vr0*vr0-2.0*AG*z/(1.0 + z/RE ) ;
110 vr = sqrt( vr2 );
111 ag = 1.0/(1.0+(z/RE)) ;
112 ag *= AG*ag ;
113 prxz();
114 }
116 // ramp upturn
118 rx = -WR*sin(a0) ;
119 rz = WR*cos(a0) ;
121 da = 0.1*(a0+a1) ;
122 for( an= -a1 ; an < a0-EPS ; an += da ) {
123 x = rx+WR*sin(an);
124 z = rz-WR*cos(an);
125 l = WR*(a0-an);
126 zp = tan( an );
127 zpp = -1.0/(WR*cos(an)*cos(an)) ;
128 vr2 = vr0*vr0-2.0*AG*z/(1.0 + z/RE ) ;
129 vr = sqrt( vr2 );
130 ag = 1.0/(1.0+(z/RE)) ;
131 ag *= AG*ag ;
132 prxz();
133 }
135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
136 // incline
138 // initialize
140 x = 0.0 ;
141 p = NP ;
142 z = 0.0 ; //
143 zp = tan( a0 ) ; // first spatial derivative
144 l = 0.0 ;
145 wz = WZ - WR * cos( ra*WA ) ;
147 // main loop
148 while( p >= 0 ) {
149 ag = 1.0/(1.0+(z/RE)) ;
150 ag *= AG*ag ;
151 vr2 = vr0*vr0-2.0*AG*z/(1.0 + z/RE ) ;
152 vr = sqrt( vr2 );
153 g = sqrt( exp( 2.0*( z+C0 ) / CL ) - 1.0 ) ;
154 dl2 = 1.0+zp*zp ;
155 zpp = dl2 * ( (1.0/(RE+z)) + dl2*ag*MF/(vr2*(1.0-g*zp )) ) ;
157 if( p++ >= NP ) {
158 prxz() ; // print every 1000 meters
159 p = 1 ;
160 }
162 // increment values
163 x += DX ;
164 zp -= zpp * DX ;
165 z += zp * DX ;
166 l += DX*sqrt(dl2);
168 // compute west station west end height WZ
170 zw = wz + WR / sqrt( 1.0 + zp*zp ) ;
172 // test for completion
174 if ( z > zw ) { p = -NP ; }
175 }
176 prxz();
178 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
179 // now, compute points for west station
181 wx = x + WR*zp/sqrt( 1.0+zp*zp) ; // west station radius x center
182 xw = wx - WR*sin( ra * WA ) ; // west station east end x location
184 // find angles
186 a0 = -acos( ( z-wz)/WR ) ;
187 a1 = -acos( (WZ-wz)/WR ) ;
188 da = 0.2*(a1-a0) ;
190 for( an = a0+da ; an < a1+EPS ; an += da ) {
191 x = wx + WR*sin( an );
192 z = wz + WR*cos( an );
193 zp = -tan( an );
194 zpp = 1.0/(WR*cos(a0)*cos(a0)) ;
195 ag = 1.0/(1.0+(z/RE)) ;
196 ag *= AG*ag ;
197 vr2 = vr0*vr0-2.0*AG*z/(1.0 + z/RE ) ;
198 vr = sqrt( vr2 );
199 l += da*WR ;
200 prxz();
201 }
203 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
204 // compute points for first part of track, constant curvature
206 p = 1 ;
207 zpp = TC ;
208 zp = tan( ra * WA );
210 while ( x <= X1 ) {
211 x += DX ;
212 z += zp*DX ;
213 zp -= zpp*DX ;
214 l += DX*sqrt(1.0+zp*zp);
215 ag = 1.0/(1.0+(z/RE)) ;
216 ag *= AG*ag ;
217 vr2 = vr0*vr0-2.0*AG*z/(1.0 + z/RE ) ;
218 vr = sqrt( vr2 );
219 if( p++ >= NP ) {
220 prxz() ; // print every 1000 meters
221 p = 1 ;
222 }
223 }
225 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
226 return 0 ;
227 }
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