Rayleigh Scattering of Isolated Species

( Species == ions, atoms, molecules )

Scattering is due to the polarization of species. The polarization can be summed from the behavior of individual resonances and damping factors (related to resonance bandwidth), which I have not yet been able to find. For mostly-isolated atoms in high vacuum, Beers line broadening will not be relevant; the bandwidth ~ \large \gamma ~ is related to damping time, TBD

The scattering from a single resonator at frequency ~ \large \omega ~ is (from Feynman Lectures on Physics Chapter X page X) proportional to

{ \huge \int } { \Large { \omega^4 \over { ( \omega^2 ~-~ \omega_0^2 )^2 ~+~ \gamma^2 \omega^2 } } ~ } { d \omega } ~=~~~~ { \Large \omega ~~ + } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { { \large \left( 2 \omega_0^4 ~+~ 2 \omega_0^2 \gamma \left( \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } ~-~ 2 \gamma \right) ~+~ \gamma^3 \left( \gamma - \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) \right) ~~ \tan^{-1} \left( { \Large { { \huge \omega } \over { \sqrt{ { \Large { \gamma \over 2 } } \left( \gamma ~-~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) ~-~ \omega_0^2 } } } } \right) } \over { \large \sqrt{ 2 } ~ \gamma ~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } ~ \sqrt{ \gamma ~ \left( \gamma ~-~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) ~-~ 2 \omega_0^2 } } } ~~ {\Large - } { { \large \left( 2 \omega_0^4 ~-~ 2 \omega_0^2 \gamma \left( \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } ~+~ 2 \gamma \right) ~+~ \gamma^3 \left( \gamma + \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) \right) ~~ \tan^{-1} \left( { \Large { { \huge \omega } \over { \sqrt{ { \Large { \gamma \over 2 } } \left( \gamma ~+~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) ~-~ \omega_0^2 } } } } \right) } \over { \large \sqrt{ 2 } ~ \gamma ~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } ~ \sqrt{ \gamma ~ \left( \gamma ~+~ \sqrt{ \gamma^2 ~-~ 4 \omega_0^2 } \right) ~-~ 2 \omega_0^2 } } }

Using Wolfram alpha for the integration, and slightly reordered for visual symmetry.

A frightening number of radicals that could contain negative values, depending on the values of \omega_0 and \gamma ; we do know that \omega_0 > \gamma > 0 , which suggests a heap of complex numbers. I'll need to fix that, perhaps by comparing to a numerical integration around the resonance.

The actual equation will be a long series of many such terms, one per resonance. And it will really be computed with a C program, which iterates over the resonances, then over the frequency bins and values for the average vacuum solar spectrum. Much information missing, many opportunities for mistakes, and a serious lack of empirical data to compare to.