Attachment 'hc03.c'


   1 // hc03.c
   2 // compute heating and cooling 
   3 //
   4 // gcc -o hc03 hc03.c -lm
   6 #define  NAME   "hc03"
   8 #define  RATE       12   //          Flash frame rate
   9 #define  TIME     3600   //          Total time
  10 #define  NPLOT     720   //          Number of plots
  11 #define  NCOMP      70   //          Computation passes per plot
  12 #define  PPLOT    2400   //          Plot width (may be ugly!)
  13 #define  OPLOT    -200   //
  15 #define  TEMP0   700.0   // K        Starting temperature
  16 #define  TEMPA   250.0   // K        Ambient temperature
  17 #define  PV    10800.0   // m/s      Payload maximum velocity
  18 #define  PA       30.0   // m/s2     Payload acceleration
  19 #define  PT      360.0   // s        Payload acceleration time
  20 #define  PM     5000.0   // kg       Payload mass
  21 #define  PL     1944.0   // km       Payload acceleration distance
  22 #define  PS       45.0   // s        Payload spacing in time
  23 #define  PN         90   //          Number of computed payloads
  25 #define  RL       5180   // km       Rotor Length
  26 #define  RM        3.0   // kg/m     Rotor mass/length
  27 #define  RR      0.025   // m        Rotor radius in meters
  28 #define  RV    14000.0   // m/s      Rotor velocity
  30 #define  EM        0.8   //          Emissivity
  31 #define  SB    5.67E-8   // W/m2K4   Blackbody radiation
  32 #define  HC        600   // J/kg-K   Rotor heat capacity
  33 #define  PI 3.14159265 
  35 #include <math.h>
  36 #include <string.h>
  37 #include <stdio.h>
  38 #include <stdlib.h>
  40 double  rtemp[RL]                  ; // rotor temperature K
  42 // modulus function
  43 int rmax = RL * ( 500000000 / RL ) ; // large offset multiple of RL
  44 int rmod( int arg ) { return ( ( rmax + arg ) % RL ) ; }
  46 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
  47 int main() {
  49    FILE    *datfile                     ; //
  50    char    rmmkdir[200]                 ; //
  51    char    png2swf[200]                 ; //
  52    char    gnuplot[200]                 ; //
  53    char    filename[80]                 ; //
  55    double  ptime                        ; // acceleration time of payload
  56    double  vp                           ; // velocity of payload
  57    double  xp                           ; // position of payload
  59    int     ipoint                       ; // point index for plotting, cooling
  60    int     index = 0                    ; // movement of rotor since t0
  61    int     iplot                        ; // plot number
  62    int     icomp                        ; // computation index
  63    int     ipay                         ; // payload index
  64    double  rtp                          ; // temporary rtemp
  65    double  time                         ; // simulating time
  66    double  tdelta = 1000.0/RV           ; // timestep in seconds
  67    double  xpoint                       ; //
  69    double  dtp = tdelta                   // payload heating factor 
  70                * PA * PM                  // payload force
  71                * 0.001                    // kilometer of mass
  72                / ( RM * HC )            ; // rotor heat capacity  J/K
  74    double  heat                         ; // added heat
  75    int     ip                           ; // integer position of payload
  76    int     ip0                          ; // payload position 0,  rotor-coords
  77    int     ip1                          ; // payload position 1,  rotor-coords
  78    double  xpi                          ; // integer part of payload position
  79    double  xpf                          ; // fractional part of position
  81    double  dt0 = tdelta                   // rotor cooling factor
  82                * EM * SB                  // blackbody radiation
  83                * 2.0 * PI * RR            // surface area
  84                / ( RM * HC )            ; // rotor heat capacity  J/K
  86    double  dt1 = dt0                      // rotor ambient 
  87                * TEMPA*TEMPA              //
  88                * TEMPA*TEMPA            ; // 
  90    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  92    printf ( "tdelta = %14.4e\n", tdelta );
  93    printf ( "dt0    = %14.4e\n", dt0    );
  94    printf ( "dt1    = %14.4e\n", dt1    );
  95    printf ( "dtp    = %14.4e\n", dtp    );
  97    sprintf( rmmkdir, "rm -rf %sdir ; mkdir %sdir", NAME, NAME );
  98    system( rmmkdir )           ; // make directory
 100    // initialize
 101    for( ipoint=0 ; ipoint < RL ; ipoint++ ) { rtemp[ipoint] = TEMP0 ; }
 103    // plot loop
 104    for( iplot=0 ; iplot < NPLOT ; iplot++ ) { 
 106       printf( "plot %4d\r", iplot ); fflush( stdout );
 108       // compute loop per plot
 109       for( icomp=0 ; icomp < NCOMP ; icomp++ ) {
 111          index = iplot*NCOMP + icomp ;
 112          time  = tdelta * ((double) index );
 114          //  cooling
 115          for( ipoint=0 ; ipoint < RL ; ipoint++ ) {
 116             rtp  = rtemp[ ipoint ] ;
 117             rtp *= rtp ;
 118             rtemp[ ipoint ] -= dt0*rtp*rtp - dt1 ;
 119          }
 121          // heating by payloads - start a little later
 122          for( ipay = 1 ; ipay <= PN ; ipay++ ) {
 123             ptime = time - PS * ((double)ipay) ;
 124             if( ( ptime >= 0.0 ) && ( ptime <= PT ) ) {
 126                vp   = PA * ptime           ;
 127                heat = dtp * ( RV - vp )    ;
 129                xp   = 0.0005 * vp * ptime  ;
 130                xpi  = floor( xp )          ;
 131                ip   = (int) xpi            ;
 132                xpf  = xp-xpi               ;
 133                ip0  = rmod( ip   - index ) ;
 134                ip1  = rmod( ip+1 - index ) ;
 136                rtemp[ ip0 ] += heat*(1.0-xpf) ;
 137                rtemp[ ip1 ] += heat*(    xpf) ;
 138             }
 139          }
 140       } // end of icomp compute loop 
 142       index   = (iplot+1)*NCOMP ;
 143       datfile = fopen( "tmp.dat", "wb" );
 145       for( ipoint = 0 ; ipoint < PPLOT ; ipoint++ ) {
 146          xpoint = (double)( OPLOT+ipoint) ;  // starts before 0
 147          ip     = rmod( OPLOT+ipoint-index );
 148          fprintf( datfile, "%16.4f%16.4f\n", xpoint, rtemp[ ip ] ) ;
 149       }
 150       fclose( datfile );
 152       sprintf( gnuplot, "/usr/local/bin/gp %s.cmd", NAME );
 153       system( gnuplot );
 155       sprintf( filename, "%sdir/b%04d.png", NAME, iplot );
 156       rename( "tmp.png", filename );
 157    }
 159    // make flash video
 160    sprintf( png2swf, "png2swf -o %s.swf -r%3d %sdir/*.png", NAME, RATE, NAME );
 161    system( png2swf );
 163    return(0);
 164 }

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