Differences between revisions 60 and 63 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 60 as of 2019-01-15 03:50:20
Size: 1313
Revision 63 as of 2021-10-12 19:30:14
Size: 1662
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''~+Look at RecentChanges in the menu bar above for current work-in-progress+~'''
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'''note: pretty image is NOT to scale. From hundreds of kilometers away,
decimeter cross sections are invisible. Also, there probably won't be
stations at altitude, vehicles will climb the inclines. Wind loading
will be compensated with propellors.'''

Look at RecentChanges in the menu bar above for current work-in-progress

Launch loop earth to high orbit launch system

note: pretty image is NOT to scale. From hundreds of kilometers away, decimeter cross sections are invisible. Also, there probably won't be stations at altitude, vehicles will climb the inclines. Wind loading will be compensated with propellors.

Short Intro . . What's New? . . HighApogeeConstruction . . . launchloop paper . . . very long tapered cables (29K) . . . The slides from the 2009 Space Elevator Conference . . . The launch loop slides (2025K) for the ISDC2002 conference. . . Slides for the launch energy paper (233K) from ISDC2002.

What do we need Launch Loops for? To cheaply launch Server Sky, data centers and space-sourced energy in orbit!


Unless otherwise noted, text and images on this website are licensed Creative Commons Share and Share Alike. Software and designs are licensed GPL2. . . Other linked websites have different licenses and permissions.

For more information, email to keithl AT kl-ic DOT com

LaunchLoop (last edited 2022-01-24 16:49:17 by KeithLofstrom)