Injector Rings for Low Speed Rotors

One of the challenges of dynamic structure towers is that the rotor changes length significantly during deployment. A 5600 km launch loop rotor gets longer by 34 km or 0.6% as the launch track rises to 80km. This is easily handled by rotor sections with reversing-pitch screw joints between meter-long sections, providing a continuous low-loss magnetic path. The rotor in a dynamic structure tower with 45 degree legs grows by 40% . This can be done with sliding joints, but the gaps between the joints will create magnetic discontinuities and eddy current losses. It would be helpful to add sections to the rotor as it rises and grows in length.

On the launch loop, sections are exchanged on the reverse track, which runs for 140 seconds from east to west station. In that time, a robot is presumed to accelerate at 20 gees carrying repair sections


14 km/sec launch loop rotors move too quickly for axial strain to equilibrate mass density. But dynamic structure and power storage systems can run at lower speeds, below the characteristic velocity of the material E / \rho , which is 5100 m/s = \sqrt{ } 210 GPa / 7900 Kg/m3 for iron . That can help us manage the rotor.