Attachment 'oneday05.c'
Download 1 // oneday05.c - compute insertion delta V from launch loop, space elevator
2 // time in sday, distances in RE
4 #define MU 398600.4418 // km3/s2
5 #define RE 6378.137 // km earth equatorial radius
6 #define SDAY 86164.099 // stellar day seconds
8 #define PER 2000.0 // km perigee altitude
9 #define STEP 96 // steps per orbit (897.5 seconds, 14.96 min)
10 #define ITER 20 // number of iterations
11 #define MSTEP 4 // larger dots
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <math.h>
16 // ignore apsidal precession; that raises apogee a few kilometers,
17 // but timing is almost identical
19 int main() {
20 double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0) ; // onepi
21 double pi2 = 2.0*pi ; // twopi
22 double perigee = PER+RE ; // km perigee radius
23 double omegae = pi2 / SDAY ; // earth rotation angular velocity
24 double tstep = SDAY/STEP ; // time steps
26 // rgeo is geosynchronous radius,
27 // also semimajor axis of construction orbit
28 double rgeo = pow( (MU/(omegae*omegae)), (1.0/3.0)) ; // km
29 double apogee = 2*rgeo-perigee ; // km
30 double eps = 1.0 - perigee/rgeo ; // eccentricity
32 double rgeoR = rgeo/RE ; // geo in earth radii
34 // radius = r0 / 1+e cos θ
35 double r0 = perigee*apogee/rgeo ; // km
36 double rp = r0/(1+eps) ; // km
37 double ra = r0/(1-eps) ; // km
39 double v0 = sqrt(MU/r0 ) ; // km/s
40 double vp = v0*(1+eps) ; // km/s
41 double va = v0*(1-eps) ; // km/s
43 double omegap = vp/rp ; // rad/s
44 double omegaa = va/ra ; // rad/s
46 int index ;
47 int STEP2 = STEP / 2 ; // invert E for large steps
49 double told = 0.0 ; // old time
50 double time = 0.0 ; // for first step
51 double theta = 0.0 ; // for first step
52 double err_t = 0.0 ; // iteration time error
54 printf( "# theta time(sday) " );
55 printf( " xe(re) ye(re)" );
56 printf( " xe4(re) ye4(re) ");
57 printf( " xf(re) yf(re)" );
58 printf( " xf4(re) yf4(re) ");
59 printf( " xg(re) yg(re)" );
60 printf( " xg4(re) yg4(re)" );
61 printf( "\n");
63 for( index = 0 ; index < STEP ; index++ ) {
65 double radius = r0 / ( 1.0 + eps * cos( theta ) ) ;
66 double vtan = v0 * ( 1.0 + eps * cos( theta ) ) ; // tangential velocity
67 double vrad = v0 * eps * sin( theta ) ; // radial velocity
69 // calculate time and relative angle
70 double E = acos((eps+cos(theta))/(1.0 + eps*cos(theta)));
71 if( theta > pi ) E = pi2-E ; // invert for second half of orbit
73 double M = E-eps*sin(E) ;
74 double thetaM = theta - M ; // Earth-Sat relative angle, radian
76 double time = M / omegae ; // time, seconds
77 double sday = time / SDAY ;
78 double rday = sday * pi2 ;
80 double radR = radius/RE ;
82 double xe = radR*sin(thetaM) ; // Earth-Sat x distance, km
83 double ye = radR*cos(thetaM) ; // Earth-Sat y distance, km
85 double xf = radR*sin(theta) ; // Earth-Sat x distance, km
86 double yf = -radR*cos(theta) ; // Earth-Sat y distance, km
88 double xg = rgeoR*sin(rday) ; // GEO radius
89 double yg = -rgeoR*cos(rday) ; // GEO radius
91 double xe4, ye4, xf4, yf4, xg4, yg4 ;
92 if( index % MSTEP == 0 ) {
93 xe4=xe; ye4=ye;
94 xf4=xf; yf4=yf;
95 xg4=xg; yg4=yg;
96 }
98 // rotating frame plot
99 printf( "%9.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f",
100 theta, sday, xe, ye, xe4, ye4 );
102 // fixed frame plot
103 printf( "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f", xf, yf, xf4, yf4 );
105 // geo plot, van Allen belt plot
106 printf( "%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f", xg, yg, xg4, yg4 );
108 printf( "\n" );
110 // now, iterate towards next time step
111 time += tstep ; // this is the target time
113 theta += ( vtan*tstep/radius ) ; // should get us close
115 int itn ;
116 for( itn = ITER ; itn > 0; itn-- ) {
117 E = acos((eps+cos(theta))/(1.0 + eps*cos(theta)));
118 if( theta > pi ) E = pi2-E ; // invert for second half of orbit
119 err_t = time-(E-eps*sin(E))/omegae ;
120 theta += vtan*err_t/radius ;
121 // printf( "DEBUG%16.8f%16.8f%16.8f\n", theta, err_t, tnext ) ;
122 }
123 }
124 return (0);
125 }
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