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Revision 6 as of 2020-11-12 19:26:13
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Launch loops can launch to escape velocity, or the Launch loops can launch vehicles as fast as escape velocity for "kinetic energy cost", without the expense of large rocket engines and fuel and fuel tanks. Escape velocity at 80 km altitude ( $ r_{launch} =$ 458 km equatorial radius) is $ v_{escape} = \sqrt{ 2 * \mu_0 / r_{launch} } $ = 11.11 km/s, where $ \mu_0 $ is the Earth's standard gravitational parameter, 398600.4418 km^3^/s^2^.

HEEO, High Eccentricity Earth Orbit

Launch loops can launch vehicles as fast as escape velocity for "kinetic energy cost", without the expense of large rocket engines and fuel and fuel tanks. Escape velocity at 80 km altitude ( r_{launch} = 458 km equatorial radius) is v_{escape} = \sqrt{ 2 * \mu_0 / r_{launch} } = 11.11 km/s, where \mu_0 is the Earth's standard gravitational parameter, 398600.4418 km3/s2.

HEEO (last edited 2020-11-13 01:46:05 by KeithLofstrom)