Attachment 'cap11.c'


   1 // cap11.c     Capture rail  GEO
   2 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3 // GEO, capture rail 24 hours of simulation
   4 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   5 // cc -o cap11 cap11.c -lgd -lpng -lm
   6 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   7 // Uses the libgd library,  documentation: /usr/share/doc/gd-*/index.html
   8 //
   9 // The image is drawn large, then resampled down with ImageMagick "convert"
  10 // Slow, but resulting in better looking output.
  11 //
  12 // png2swf segmentation faults if given too many large frames
  14 #define  NAME       "cap11"
  15 #define  TITLETEXT  "Capture Rail"
  17 #define  DEBUG      1
  19 // earth and orbits -----------------------------------------------
  20 //   we will use a 24 hour, not a 23.9346 hour, sidereal day.
  21 //
  22 #define  CAPTURE     30411.507   // climbing capture
  24 #define  SCALE       3400        // bigger for less magnification
  26 #define  OTIME       24.0        // orbit time
  27 #define  RAILHIGH    45000.0
  28 #define  RAILLOW     28000.0
  30 #define  NSTAR       100
  32 #define  RE          6378.0
  33 #define  ETIME       24.0        // hours per turn
  34 #define  MU          398600.0    // grav parameter km3/s2
  35 #define  ALTITUDE    80.0        // perigee altitude
  36 #define  GMAX        0.003       // 3 m/s^2, 0.003km/s^2
  38 // plot rate ------------------------------------------------------
  39 #define  RATE          5
  40 #define  NPLOT       120
  41 #define  MAXHOUR    24.0
  42 #define  STEPS      1000        // orbit simulation steps per plot
  44 // plot sizing -----------------------------------------------------
  45 #define  PSCALE     32          // global scaling factor for drawing
  46 #define  LINSCALE    1
  47 #define  XSIZE      (96*PSCALE)
  48 #define  YSIZE      (32*PSCALE)
  50 #define  XOUT       960         // size of output image after convert
  51 #define  YOUT       320
  53 #define  XCENT1     (16*PSCALE) // #1 fixed frame orbit
  54 #define  YCENT1     (18*PSCALE)
  55 #define  MAG1       1.0
  57 #define  XCENT2     (48*PSCALE) // #2 rotating frame orbit
  58 #define  YCENT2     (18*PSCALE)
  59 #define  MAG2       1.0
  61 #define  XCENT3     (80*PSCALE) // #3 magnified rotating frame orbit
  62 #define  YCENT3     (58*PSCALE)
  63 #define  MAG3       4.0
  65 #define  VSIZE      (PSCALE/2) // Vehicle circle size
  67 #define  FNT        "DejaVuMonoSans"
  68 #define  FSZ         (1.25*PSCALE)
  70 #include <gd.h>
  71 #include <time.h>
  72 #include <math.h>
  73 #include <stdio.h>
  74 #include <stdlib.h>
  76 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  78 int         white, lgray, gray, dgray  ; //  color indexes
  79 int         black, blue, cyan, dcyan   ;
  80 int         red, dred, green, dgreen   ;
  81 int         yellow, dyellow            ;
  83 // elapsed time
  84 long        start_time = 0L            ; // epoch start time
  85 int         end_time = 0               ; // estimated end time
  86 int         elapsed_time = 0           ; // elapsed time
  87 int         remaining_time = 0         ; // remaining time
  89 double      speedup                    ; // simulation to display time
  90 double      pi2 = 6.28318530717958646  ;
  91 double      third = 0.33333333333333   ;
  93 // files and graphics arrays
  94 gdImagePtr  im                         ; // Declare the image
  95 FILE       *pngout                     ; // Declare output file
  96 char        command[200]               ; //
  97 char        filename[80]               ; //
  99 // simulation time parameters
 101 int         iplot                      ; // number of plot
 102 double      ip1                        ; // fraction of complete plot
 103 double      hour                       ; // time of plot in hours from start
 104 double      eangle                     ; // earth turn angle
 105 double      oangle                     ; // destination orbit turn angle
 107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 108 // orbit parameters
 109 // distances in km
 110 // speeds in km/sec
 112 // target orbit parameters
 113 double      omega                      ; // rad/sec angular velocity
 114 double      orbsize                    ; // km   orbit radius
 116 // transfer orbit parameters
 117 double      rp                         ; // km   perigee radius
 118 double      ra                         ; // km   apogee radius
 119 double      rc                         ; // km   capture radius, apogee
 120 double      vc                         ; // km/s capture velocity
 121 double      sem                        ; // km   semimajor axis
 122 double      e                          ; //      eccentricity
 123 double      h                          ; // km^2/s   angular momentum
 124 double      vp                         ; // km/s perigee velocity
 125 double      vct                        ; // km/s transverse capture velocity
 126 double      v0                         ; // km/s orbit velocity
 127 double      r0                         ; // km/s orbit radius
 128 double      costh                      ; // cos of orbit angle at capture
 129 double      sinth                      ; // sin of orbit angle at capture
 130 double      theta                      ; // orbit angle radians
 131 double      dtheta                     ; // orbit angle degrees
 132 double      period                     ; // orbit period, seconds
 133 double      tr_time                    ; // orbit transfer time, seconds
 134 double      arg_p                      ; // argument of perigee
 135 double      energy                     ; // orbit energy, MJ
 136 double      enc                        ; // energy at capture, MJ
 137 double      av                         ; //
 138 double      rv                         ; //
 139 double      vv                         ; //
 140 double      tstep                      ; // simulation timestep
 142 // background stars                    ;
 143 double      starx[NSTAR], stary[NSTAR] ; // star field position
 145 // transfer orbit simulation radius (km) and angle (radians), fixed frame
 146 double      cr[NPLOT], ca[NPLOT]       ; // transfer orbit, with capture
 147 double      mr[NPLOT], ma[NPLOT]       ; // transfer orbit, missed capture
 148 double      rr[NPLOT]                  ; // transfer orbit, rotation 
 149 int         nc = NPLOT                 ; // capture step
 150 int         nv = 0                     ; // number of transfer orbit points
 152 int         scale = SCALE/PSCALE       ; // pixels per kilometer
 154 // ========================================================================
 155 void initialize() {
 157    int     i   ;
 158    double  tmp ;
 159    double  E   ;
 160    double  M   ;
 162    sprintf( command, "rm -rf %sdir ; mkdir %sdir", NAME, NAME );
 163    system(  command )                  ; // make directory
 164    start_time = (long) time( NULL );
 166    speedup = 3600.0 * MAXHOUR * RATE / NPLOT     ; // sim/display time ratio
 167    tstep   = 3600.0*MAXHOUR/(NPLOT*STEPS)        ; // simulation timestep
 169    // orbit initialize
 170    // fake: sidereal 24 hour day
 172    omega   = pi2 / ( 3600.0 * OTIME )            ; // angular velocity
 173    orbsize = pow( ( MU /(omega*omega)), third )  ; // orbit radius
 174    rp      = RE + ALTITUDE                       ; // perigee radius
 177 // three different possibilities -
 178 #ifdef  CAPTURE          // ---------------- new capture rail
 179    rc = CAPTURE  ;
 181 // see
 182 // though be careful of the redefinition of q, both perigee and
 183 // true anomaly
 185    vct       = rc*omega              ; // transverse capture velocity
 186    h         = rc*vct                ; // orbit angular momentum
 187    vp        = h/rp                  ; // perigee velocity km/sec
 188    v0        = MU/h                  ; // orbit velocity
 189    r0        = h/v0                  ; // orbit radius
 190    e         = (r0/rp)-1.0           ; // eccentricity
 191    ra        = r0/(1.0-e)            ; // apogee radius
 192    sem       = r0/(1.0-e*e)          ; // semimajor axis
 193    energy    = 0.5*vp*vp-MU/rp       ; // orbit energy MJ
 194    enc       = 0.5*vct*vct-MU/rc     ; //
 195    vc        = sqrt(2.0*(energy-enc)); //
 196    tmp       = fabs(sem*sem*sem)/MU  ; //
 197    period    = pi2*sqrt( tmp )       ; // orbit period
 198    costh     = ((r0/rc)-1.0)/e       ;
 199    sinth     = sqrt(1.0-costh*costh) ;
 200    theta     = atan2(sinth,costh)    ; // true anomaly
 201    dtheta    = (360.0/pi2)*theta     ;
 202    av        = vct*vct/rc-MU/(rc*rc) ; // acceleration at capture
 204    if( sem > 0.0 ) {          // ----- elliptical
 206       double cosE = (e+costh)/(1.0+e*costh);
 208       // possibly two solutions for E, M, and tr_time !
 209       E = acos( cosE )                  ; // eccentric anomaly
 210       M = E - e*sin( E )                ; // mean anomaly
 211    }
 212    else {                      // ----- hyperbolic
 213       double coshE = (e+costh)/(1.0+e*costh);
 215       // possibly two solutions for E, M, and tr_time !
 216       E = acosh( coshE )                ; // eccentric anomaly
 217       M = e*sinh( E ) - E               ; // mean anomaly
 218    }
 220 #else               // --------------------- classical capture
 222    rc = 0.7*orbsize ;
 224    tmp = 2.0 * MU / (omega*omega);
 226    for( i = 0 ; i < 77 ; i++ ) {
 227       rc = pow( tmp*rp/(rc+rp), third);//
 228    }
 230    sem       = 0.5*(rp+rc)           ; // semimajor axis
 231    e         = 1.0 - rp/sem          ; // eccentricity
 232    vct       = rc*omega              ; // apogee (capture) velocity
 233    h         = rc*vct                ; // orbit angular momentum
 234    v0        = MU/h                  ; // orbit velocity
 235    r0        = h/v0                  ; // orbit radius
 236    ra        = rc                    ; // apogee
 237    vp        = h/rp                  ; // perigee velocity km/sec
 238    energy    = 0.5*vp*vp-MU/rp       ; // orbit energy MJ
 239    enc       = 0.5*vct*vct-MU/rc     ; //
 240    vc        = sqrt(2.0*(energy-enc)); // radial capture velocity
 241    tmp       = fabs(sem*sem*sem)/MU  ; //
 242    period    = pi2*sqrt( tmp )       ; // orbit period
 243    costh     = -1.0                  ; //
 244    sinth     = 0.0                   ; //
 245    theta     = 0.5*pi2               ; //
 246    dtheta    = 180.0                 ; //
 247    E         = 0.5*pi2               ; //
 248    M         = E                     ; //
 249    av        = vct*vct/rc-MU/(rc*rc) ; // acceleration at capture
 251 #endif
 253    tr_time   = M*period / pi2        ; // time from perigee, seconds
 254    arg_p     = omega*tr_time-theta   ; // argument of perigee
 256 #ifdef DEBUG
 257    printf( "|omega  %11.3e rd/s ", omega         );
 258    printf( "|orbsize%11.2f km   ", orbsize       );
 259    printf( "|tstep  %11.5f sec  ", tstep         );
 260    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 261    printf( "|rp     %11.2f km   ", rp            );
 262    printf( "|ra     %11.2f km   ", ra            );
 263    printf( "|sem    %11.2f km   ", sem           );
 264    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 265    printf( "|e      %11.6f      ", e             );
 266    printf( "|vp     %11.4f km/s ", vp            );
 267    printf( "|vct    %11.4f km/s ", vct           );
 268    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 269    printf( "|h      %11.2fkm2/s ", h             );
 270    printf( "|r0     %11.2f km   ", r0            );
 271    printf( "|v0     %11.4f km/s ", v0            );
 272    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 273    printf( "|mu     %11.2fm3/s2 ", MU            );
 274    printf( "|energy %11.4fMJ/kg ", energy        );
 275    printf( "|vc     %11.4f km/s ", vc            );
 276    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 277    printf( "|rc     %11.2f km   ", rc            );
 278    printf( "|E      %11.4f rad  ", E             );
 279    printf( "|M      %11.4f rad  ", M             );
 280    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 281    printf( "|tr_time%11.2f sec  ", tr_time       );
 282    printf( "|period %11.4f sec  ", period        );
 283    printf( "|p.hours%11.4f hr   ", period/3600.0 );
 284    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 285    printf( "|theta  %11.4f rad  ", theta         );
 286    printf( "|arg_p  %11.6f rad  ", arg_p         );
 287    printf( "|av_c   %11.4f m/s2 ", 1000.0*av     );
 288    printf( "|\n"                                 );
 289 #endif  // DEBUG
 291    //  start simulations at perigee
 292    cr[0] = rp                           ; // captured radius
 293    mr[0] = rp                           ; // missed capture radius
 294    ca[0] = 0.0                          ; // captured angle
 295    ma[0] = 0.0                          ; // missed capture angle
 296    rr[0] = 0.0                          ; // rotation at capture
 298    // --------------------------------------------- initialize stars
 299    // generate a disk of stars with
 300    // radius < 1.414*orbsize
 302    double  stmult = orbsize*sqrt(8.0);
 303    for( i=0 ; i < NSTAR ;     ) {
 304       double x = drand48()-0.5;
 305       double y = drand48()-0.5;
 306       if( x*x+y*y < 0.25 ) {
 307          starx[i]=stmult*x ;
 308          stary[i]=stmult*y ;
 309          i++ ;
 310       }
 311    }
 312 }
 314 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 315 void openplot() {
 316    im      = gdImageCreateTrueColor( (int)XSIZE, (int)YSIZE );
 318    black   = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0,   0,   0);
 319    dgray   = gdImageColorAllocate(im,  96,  96,  96);
 320    gray    = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 128, 128, 128);
 321    lgray   = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 160, 160, 160);
 322    white   = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255, 255);
 324    red     = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255,   0,   0);
 325    dred    = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 160,   0,   0);
 326    green   = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0, 255,   0);
 327    dgreen  = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0, 160,   0);
 328    cyan    = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0, 160, 160);
 329    dcyan   = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0,  80,  80);
 330    yellow  = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 255, 255,   0);
 331    dyellow = gdImageColorAllocate(im, 160, 160,   0);
 332    blue    = gdImageColorAllocate(im,   0,   0, 255);
 334    gdImageSetThickness( im, LINSCALE );
 336 #if DEBUG > 1
 337    printf("\n---------------------------------------------------\n");
 338 #endif  // DEBUG
 339 }
 341 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 342 // draw orbiting GEO tether
 343 // ex, ey are center of drawing in pixels
 344 // ang and rot in radians
 346 void tether( double ang, double rot,  double mag,  int ex, int ey ) {
 347    int     x0, y0 ;
 348    int     x1, y1 ;
 349    double  rang = ang+rot;
 351    double rlow  = mag*RAILLOW /scale ;
 352    double rhigh = mag*RAILHIGH/scale ;
 354    int    orb   = 2*(int)(mag*orbsize/scale) ;
 355    int    wide  = (7*orb)/10 ;
 357    // Draw a black box over background.   This covers up overlap
 358    // from other views.
 360    gdImageFilledRectangle( im, ex-wide, 0, ex+wide, YSIZE, black );
 362    // draw orbit circle
 363    gdImageSetThickness( im, (int)5.0*mag*LINSCALE );
 364    gdImageArc( im, ex, ey, orb, orb, 0, 360, dgray );
 366    // draw tether
 367    gdImageSetThickness( im, (int)3.0*mag*LINSCALE );
 369    x0     = ex + (int)( rlow  * sin(rang));
 370    y0     = ey - (int)( rlow  * cos(rang));
 371    x1     = ex + (int)( rhigh * sin(rang));
 372    y1     = ey - (int)( rhigh * cos(rang));
 373    gdImageLine( im, x0, y0, x1, y1, white );
 374 }
 376 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 377 // draw stars
 378 void stars(             double rot,  double mag,  int ex, int ey ) {
 379    int    x, y, i ;
 380    double s  = sin( rot );
 381    double c  = cos( rot );
 382    double ms = mag/scale ;
 383    int    size = 4*(int)sqrt(mag)      ;
 384    int    wide = (int)(1.3*ms*orbsize) ;
 387    gdImageSetThickness( im, 1);
 389    for( i=0 ; i < NSTAR ; i++ ) {
 390       int x = (int)(-ms*(c*starx[i] + s*stary[i]));
 391       if( abs( x ) < wide ) {
 392          x += ex ;
 393          int y = ey + (int)(ms*(c*stary[i] - s*starx[i]));
 394          gdImageFilledArc(im, x, y, size, size, 0, 360, white, gdArc);
 395       }
 396    }
 397 }
 399 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 400 // draw rotating earth
 401 // ex, ey are center of drawing in pixels
 402 // ang and rot in radians
 404 void earth( double ang, double rot,  double mag,  int ex, int ey ) {
 405    int     x0, y0 ;
 406    int     x1, y1 ;
 407    double  an0    ;
 408    int     i      ;
 409    double  r2d  = 360.0/pi2 ;
 410    double  drot = r2d*rot + 360000.0 ;  // make sure it is positive
 411    double  rang = ang+rot;
 413    double re    = mag*RE/scale                ;
 414    int    esize = 2*((int)re)                 ;
 416    double ea1   = fmod( drot + 180.0, 360.0 ) ;
 417    double ea2   = fmod( drot        , 360.0 ) ;
 419    gdImageSetThickness( im, 1);
 420    gdImageFilledArc(im, ex, ey, esize, esize,    0, 360,  cyan, gdArc);
 421    gdImageFilledArc(im, ex, ey, esize, esize,  ea2, ea1, dcyan, gdArc);
 423    // draw longitude lines  ( 6 = 180/30 degrees )
 424    gdImageSetThickness( im, LINSCALE );
 425    for( i=5 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
 426       an0    = rang + pi2*( (double) i ) / 12.0 ;
 427       x0     = ex + (int)( re * sin(an0 ));
 428       y0     = ey - (int)( re * cos(an0 ));
 429       x1     = ex - (int)( re * sin(an0 ));
 430       y1     = ey + (int)( re * cos(an0 ));
 431       gdImageLine( im, x0, y0, x1, y1, black );
 432    }
 433    gdImageSetThickness( im, 3*LINSCALE );
 434    gdImageLine( im, x0, y0, ex, ey, black );
 436    // draw launch site pointer
 437    x0     = ex + (int)(     re * sin( rang + arg_p ));
 438    y0     = ey - (int)(     re * cos( rang + arg_p ));
 439    x1     = ex + (int)( 0.5*re * sin( rang + arg_p ));
 440    y1     = ey - (int)( 0.5*re * cos( rang + arg_p ));
 441    gdImageSetThickness( im, 6*LINSCALE );
 442    gdImageLine( im, x0, y0, x1, y1, yellow );
 444    // draw latitude lines
 445    gdImageSetThickness( im, LINSCALE );
 446    for( i=1 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
 447       an0 = pi2*( (double) i ) / 12.0 ;
 448       x0  = (int)( 2.0 * ((double)re) * cos(an0) );
 449       gdImageArc( im, ex, ey, x0, x0, 0, 360, black );
 450    }
 451 }
 453 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 454 //  draw vehicle transfer orbit
 456 void trans(  int rotflag, double rot,  double mag,  int ex, int ey ) {
 457    int     i    ;
 458    int     x, y ;
 460    if( nv < iplot ) {       // ------------ compute new transfer orbit point
 461       double th0 = ma[nv] ;
 463 #if  DEBUG > 1
 464       printf( "%5dnv%6dnc%6diplot%16.8fth0\n", nv, nc, iplot, th0 );
 465       printf( "theta%9.4f  rot%9.4f\n", theta, rot );
 466 #endif  // DEBUG
 468       for( i = 0;  i < STEPS ; i++ ) {
 469          double rx = r0/(1.0+e*cos(th0)) ;
 470          // double rx = r0/(1.0+e*cos(th0)) + 0.5*v0*e*tstep*sin(th0);
 471          th0 += h*tstep/(rx*rx);
 473 #if  DEBUG > 1
 474          printf( "rx%12.4e   th0%10.6f\n", rx, th0 );
 475 #endif  // DEBUG
 477          if( nc != NPLOT ) {
 478 #ifdef CAPTURE
 479             double atest = 0.5*vv*vv/fabs(orbsize-rv) ;
 480             if( atest < GMAX ) { av = omega*omega*rv-MU/(rv*rv) ; }
 481             else               { av = -GMAX                     ; }
 482             vv += tstep*av ;
 483             if( ( vv < 0.0 ) || ( rv > orbsize ) ) { vv=0.0 ; }
 484             rv += tstep*vv ;
 485 #endif // CAPTURE
 486          }
 487          else if( th0 > theta ) {
 488             nc  = iplot ;
 489             rv  = r0/(1.0+e*cos(th0)) ;
 490             vv  = v0*e*sin(th0)       ;
 491 #if DEBUG > 0
 492             printf("\nCapture nc=%04d rv=%9.2f vv=%7.4f\n", nc, rv, vv );
 493 #endif
 494          }
 495       }
 496       nv++ ;
 498       rr[nv] = rot ;
 499       mr[nv] = r0/(1.0+e*cos(th0));
 500       ma[nv] = th0 ;
 502       if( nc == NPLOT ) {
 503          cr[nv] = mr[nv];
 504          ca[nv] = ma[nv];
 505       }
 506       else {
 507          cr[nv] = rv          ;
 508          ca[nv] = oangle-arg_p;
 509 #if DEBUG > 0
 510          printf("%8.4f%7.3f%9.1f", 1000.0*av, vv, rv );
 511 #endif
 512       }
 513    }
 515    // plot transfer orbit points
 517    double  man0 ;
 518    int     mx   ;
 519    int     my   ;
 520    double  can0 ;
 521    int     cx   ;
 522    int     cy   ;
 523    double  ms = mag/scale ;
 524    int     vsize = 2*((int)(0.5*mag*VSIZE)) ;
 525    double  ar ;
 527    for( i = 0 ; i <= nv ; i++ ) {
 529       if( rotflag == 1 ) { ar = arg_p + rr[i]; }
 530       else               { ar = arg_p + rot;   }
 532       man0 = ma[i] + ar ;
 533       mx   = ex + (int)(ms*mr[i]*sin(man0));
 534       my   = ey - (int)(ms*mr[i]*cos(man0));
 536 #if  DEBUG > 1
 537       printf( "%4dnv%4dnc%4diplot%4di%5dmx%5dmy%8.1f_r%9.4f_an0\n",
 538                 nv, nc, iplot, i,   mx,   my  , mr[i], man0 );
 539 #endif // DEBUG
 541       if( i <= nc ) {
 542          gdImageFilledArc( im, mx, my, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, dyellow, gdArc );
 543       } else {
 544          gdImageFilledArc( im, mx, my, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, dred   , gdArc );
 545          can0 = ca[i] + ar ;
 546          cx   = ex + (int)(ms*cr[i]*sin(can0));
 547          cy   = ey - (int)(ms*cr[i]*cos(can0));
 548          gdImageFilledArc( im, cx, cy, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, dgreen , gdArc );
 549       }
 550    }
 552    // current points
 553    if( iplot <= nc ) {
 554       gdImageFilledArc( im, mx, my, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, yellow, gdArc );
 555    } else {
 556       gdImageFilledArc( im, mx, my, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, red   , gdArc );
 557       gdImageFilledArc( im, cx, cy, vsize, vsize, 0, 360, green , gdArc );
 558    }
 559 }
 561 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 562 void closeplot() {
 563    sprintf( command, "%s.png", NAME );
 564    pngout = fopen(  command, "wb");
 565    gdImagePngEx(im, pngout, 1);
 566    fclose(pngout);                           // write out image
 567    gdImageDestroy(im);
 569    sprintf( command, "convert %s.png -resize %dx%d\\> %sdir/b%04d.png",
 570                               NAME, XOUT, YOUT, NAME, iplot );
 571    system( command );
 572 }
 574 // ========================================================================
 575 int main() {
 577    initialize() ;
 579    for( iplot = 0 ; iplot < NPLOT ; iplot++ ) {
 581       openplot() ;
 583       ip1   = ((double)iplot)/((double) NPLOT) ;
 584       hour  = ip1*MAXHOUR                      ;
 585       eangle= pi2 * hour/ETIME                 ; // radians
 586       oangle= pi2 * hour/OTIME                 ; // radians
 588       tether( oangle, -oangle, MAG3, XCENT3, YCENT3 ) ;
 589       stars(          -oangle, MAG3, XCENT3, YCENT3 ) ;
 590       earth(  eangle, -oangle, MAG3, XCENT3, YCENT3 ) ;
 591       trans(       1, -oangle, MAG3, XCENT3, YCENT3 ) ;
 593       // note - the next two drawings overlap and obscure the
 594       // first magnified plot
 596       tether( oangle, -oangle, MAG2, XCENT2, YCENT2 ) ;
 597       stars(          -oangle, MAG2, XCENT2, YCENT2 ) ;
 598       earth(  eangle, -oangle, MAG2, XCENT2, YCENT2 ) ;
 599       trans(       1, -oangle, MAG2, XCENT2, YCENT2 ) ;
 601       tether( oangle,     0.0, MAG1, XCENT1, YCENT1 ) ;
 602       stars(              0.0, MAG1, XCENT1, YCENT1 ) ;
 603       earth(  eangle,     0.0, MAG1, XCENT1, YCENT1 ) ;
 604       trans(       0,     0.0, MAG1, XCENT1, YCENT1 ) ;
 606       //  labels -----------------------------------------------------------
 608       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                     // imagespace, bounding
 609                        white, FNT, 1.6*FSZ,          // color, font, fontsize
 610                        0.0, 1*PSCALE,  3*PSCALE,     // angle, x, y
 611                	       TITLETEXT );                  // text
 613       sprintf( command,
 614                "View from South  %04.1f/%04.1f hours, %4.0fx speedup",
 615                hour, MAXHOUR, speedup );
 617       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                     // imagespace, bounding
 618                        white, FNT, FSZ,              // color, font, fontsize
 619                        0.0, 44*PSCALE,  3*PSCALE,    // angle, x, y
 620                        command );                    // text
 622       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                     // imagespace, bounding
 623                        white, FNT, 0.75*FSZ,         // color, font, fontsize
 624                        0.0,  1*PSCALE, 31*PSCALE,    // angle, x, y
 625                        "Fixed Frame" );              // text
 627       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                     // imagespace, bounding
 628                        white, FNT, 0.75*FSZ,         // color, font, fontsize
 629                        0.0, 32*PSCALE, 31*PSCALE,    // angle, x, y
 630                        "Rotating Frame" );           // text
 632       gdImageStringFT( im, NULL,                     // imagespace, bounding
 633                        white, FNT, 0.75*FSZ,         // color, font, fontsize
 634                        0.0, 64*PSCALE, 31*PSCALE,    // angle, x, y
 635                        "Rotating Frame, 4x larger" );// text
 637       closeplot();
 639       elapsed_time = (int)(((long) time( NULL )) - start_time ) ;
 641       if( elapsed_time > 1 ) {
 642          end_time       = (long)(((double) elapsed_time ) / ip1 );
 643          remaining_time = end_time - elapsed_time ;
 644       }
 646 #if  DEBUG < 2
 647       printf( "%4d/%d-plot%4d-nc%5.1f/%04.1f-hour%4ld/%4ld/%4ldsec\r",
 648            iplot+1, NPLOT, nc, hour, ((double)MAXHOUR),
 649            elapsed_time, remaining_time, end_time );
 650       fflush(stdout);
 651 #endif  // DEBUG
 652    }
 654    printf( "\n" ); fflush(stdout);
 656    sprintf( command, "png2swf -o %s.swf -r%3d %sdir/*.png", NAME, RATE, NAME );
 657    system(  command );
 658    return(0);
 659 }

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