Adam Steltzner

The Right Kind of Crazy

A True Story of Teamwork, Leadership, and High-Stakes Innovation

Adam Steltzner with William Patrick, 2016, Beaverton 629.46 STE

A fascinating but uneven book. Chapters 1 and 2 are intensely biographical, and suck you right in. After that, the chapters have a bit of plodding sameness to them; Dr. Steltzer is developing as a leader, and he is frank about his shortcomings, but the lessons seem muted to protect the reputations of most colleagues. The technologies are described incompletely; we learn there are issues, but not in gory engineering detail. That said, the book is decently written, and more informative about the engineering process than most books of this genre. If I were to make changes, I would gloss over parts of the steady climb and dive deeper into the examples, educating as well as describing.
