= Newton's Clock = === Chaos in the Solar System === == Ivars Peterson, 1993, Central 521 P485N == ------ .p021 Antikythera machine, unrecognizable lump recovered 1900, "discovered" 1902, in Archeological museum of Athens .p025 1958 analyzed by Derek Price, 1971 X & Gamma ray imaging, gear train structure, counted gear teeth .p036 perhaps from school of Posidonios on Rhodes, made in 87 BC, lost in 85 BC on the way to Cicero in Rome .p039 Columbus used ''Ephemerides'' of Johannes Müller (Regiomontanus) . predicted total lunar eclipse on Feb 29, 1504, impressed reluctant Jamaica natives . calculated longitude but wildly erroneous .p045-072 Tycho, Ursus, Kepler . Tycho's measurement errors less than 3 minutes of arc, 1/10th lunar diameter, and continuous . Kepler used integer fractions, not decimals . Not in book: ''Heavenly Intrigue'' Gilder&Gilder 2005 suggested Kepler poisoned Tycho. In 2010 Tycho exhumed, Aarhus University Jens Vellev November 2012 reported no poisons, most likely died of a burst bladder, confirmed 2012 by University of Rostock pathologists. .p133 Sidereal month: compared to stars, Synodic month: compared to Sun. .p134 Line of apsides: perigee to apogee. Line of nodes: crosses ecliptic. 8.85 years per full rotation. .p140 George William Hill US Naval Almanac Office and Ernest W. Brown: periodic lunar model with rapidly converging algebraic perturbations .p154 phase space, coordinates of position and velocity (6 dimensional?). Trajectories cannot intersect or branch. .p183 gaps at 1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 1/2 Jupiter periods, peaks between. About 2.0 to 3.2 AU . Dynamics of planetary rings / Araki / American Scientist 1991 . Comet Orbits and Chaos / Mark Bailey / Nature 1990 . The Origin of the asteroids / Binzel / Scientific American 1991 . Origins of the Near Earth Asteroids / Binzel / Science 1992 .p203 Hyperion tumbles funny .p264 Poincare -> KAM, Kolmogorov / Arnol'd / Mosher : regular quasiperiodic if perturbations small