#format jsmath = DecelDescent1 = ---- Crude analysis, probably errors. ---- Start in circular equatorial orbit, decelerate for 160 seconds at 30 m/s² with 1 sec start and stop jerks. ||<-4> '''Summary ''' ''(approximate!!!)'' || || || start || end || || || time || 0 || 160 || seconds || || radius || 6600 || 6591 || km || || altitude || 229 || 220 || km || || "horizontal" velocity || 7700 || 3000 || m/s || || "horizontal" distance || 0 || 856 || km || || "vertical" acceleration || 0 || 7.8 || m/s² || || "vertical" velocity || 0 || 710 || m/s || || "vertical" distance down || 0 || 9 || km || Start in a circular orbit at 6600 km altitude, 7770 m/s orbital velocity. Slow to 3000 m/s (approximately mach 10) at 30 m/s² horizontal deceleration in 160 seconds, including 1 second beginning and end jerks. Shave off the jerks, make the "end time" 159 seconds. Ignore Earth rotation (pessimistically) . The "horizontal" velocity is 7770 - 30 t m/s. The horizontal distance travelled is the integral of that, 7770 t - 15² t meters, or 856 kilometers. The static vertical gravity acceleration $ a_g $ is 398600.44/6600² km/s² = 9.15 m/s². The vertical ( ≈radial ) downward acceleration is $ a_g - v^2/r $ = ( 9.15 - ( 7770 - 30 t )² / 6600000 ) m/s² = ( 777 t -1.5 t² ) / 11000 m/s², or 7.8 m/s² after 16. The vertical ( ≈radial ) downward velocity is the integral of the downward acceleration, ( 777 t² - t³ )/ 22000 m/s , or 710 m/s after 160 ( ≈159 ) seconds. The vertical ( ≈radial ) distance dropped is the integral of the downward velocity, ( 1036 - t ) t³ / 264000 meters, or 8900 meters after 160 ( ≈159 ) seconds, an terminal altitude of 220 km (it doesn't drop much!). This is a crude approximation of a deceleration profile, not optimized.